Touring Travel Writing: Between Fact and Fiction
09:00 às 13:00 (5 a 7 Dez 2019)
Colégio Almada Negreiros Campus de Campolide

In this year of 2019, the world is celebrating the 300th anniversary of the publication of Robinson Crusoe (1719) and its literary legacy. Daniel Defoe’s work, which combines fact and fiction, not only marked the beginning of realistic fiction, but it also evidenced the intimate interrelationship between the novel and travel writing. CETAPS (Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies, Universidade Nova, Lisbon) and CELIS (Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures et la Sociopoétique, Université Clermont Auvergne, ClermontFerrand) join the celebrations by organising this international conference which aims to be a locus of debate on the many facets of travel writing, a research area that has emerged as a relevant topic of study in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the last few decades.