SMART Data Sprint 2022
Todo o dia (31 Jan a 4 Fev 2022)

SMART Data Sprint 2022 discute a criação de novos métodos de investigação


A sexta edição do SMART Data Sprint receberá investigadores portugueses e estrangeiros para discutir temáticas no desenvolvimento e criação de métodos. O evento é organizado pelo grupo de investigação SMART (Social Media Research Techniques), do iNOVA Media Lab (ICNOVA).

A programação da semana incluirá conferências de investigadores reconhecidos a nível internacional, como Deen Freelon (School of Journalism and Media, the University of North Carolina, USA) e Katrin Tiidenberg (Osaluskultuuri professor / Professor of Participatory Culture BFM, Tallinn University, Estonia) e Warren Pearce (iHuman, the University of Sheffield, UK).

Durante cinco dias de trabalho intenso, os participantes terão a hipótese de assistir a palestras e apresentações, bem como de aprofundar conhecimentos em sessões práticas, todas ministradas em inglês. Para além destas atividades, especialistas e investigadores convidam os participantes a integrar projetos e a trabalhar a partir de um problema específico. 

Inserido no Digital Media Winter Institute 2022, o SMART Data Sprint está planeado ocorrer num formato híbrido (combinando sessões online e presenciais), respeitando as medidas de segurança inerentes à COVID-19.

As inscrições abrem a 15 de novembro de 2021 e encerram a 20 de janeiro de 2022. A iniciativa também oferece bolsas parciais. Todas as informações já estão disponíveis no blog de pesquisa do SMART.

Digital Media Winter Institute | SMART Data Sprint 2022  

Discussing Methods Making

31 de janeiro a 04 de fevereiro de 2022 

Inscrições: a partir de 15 de novembro de 2021 a 20 de janeiro de 2022

Mais informações: https://smart.inovamedialab.org/2022-discussing-methods-making 




SMART Data Sprint 2022 discusses creating new research methods


The sixth edition of SMART Data Sprint will receive Portuguese and foreign researchers to discuss themes in the development and creation of methods. The event is organized by the SMART (Social Media Research Techniques) research group of the iNOVA Media Lab (ICNOVA).


The week’s program will include conferences by internationally recognized researchers such as Deen Freelon (School of Journalism and Media, the University of North Carolina, USA) and Katrin Tiidenberg (Osaluskultuuri Professor / Professor of Participatory Culture BFM, Tallinn University, Estonia) and Warren Pearce (iHuman, the University of Sheffield, UK).


During five days of intense work, participants will have the chance to attend lectures and presentations, as well as deepen their knowledge in practical sessions, all taught in English. In addition to these activities, specialists and researchers invite participants to integrate projects and work from a specific problem.


As part of the Digital Media Winter Institute 2022, SMART Data Sprint is planned to take place in a hybrid format (combining online and face-to-face sessions), respecting the security measures inherent to COVID-19.


Applications open on November 15, 2021, and close on January 20, 2022. The initiative also offers partial scholarships. All information is now available on SMART’s research blog.


Digital Media Winter Institute | SMART Data Sprint 2022

Discussing Methods Making

January 31st to February 4th, 2022

Applications: from 15th November 2021 to 20th January 2022

More information: https://smart.inovamedialab.org/2022-discussing-methods-making