RES Antiquitatis - Journal of Ancient History, 2nd series , vol. 3 (2021)
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09:00 às 23:00 (1 Fev a 31 Mar 2021)
3rd volume of RES Antiquitatis - Journal of Ancient History

CHAM – Centre for the Humanities (NOVA FCSH / UAc) is accepting papers to be published in the 3rd volume of RES Antiquitatis – Journal of Ancient History, to appear in 2021. 

Since it is not established any special theme for this issue, all contributions should, as usual, relate to Antiquity, either as specific area of studies or as object of cultural, social and historiographic reception through History. 

The deadline for the submission of papers is the 31 March 2021. All articles should follow the guidelines in http://www.cham.fcsh.unl.pt/ext/res/author-instructions.html and be sent to antiguidade.cham@gmail.com.