Open Science and Social Sciences and Humanities
Debate inserido na Semana Internacional do Acesso Aberto
Moderação: Maria Fernanda Rollo (Departamento de História, NOVA FCSH)
Oradores: Kostas Glinos (Head of Unit for Open Science, European Commission) e João Mendes Moreira (Diretor da Área do Conhecimento Científico, FCT/FCCN).
2020 marca o reforço do compromisso da Investigação com os princípios da Ciência Aberta. Não só com a abertura dos novos programas de Investigação e Inovação da FCT e da Comissão Europeia, mas também com o estado de emergência global provocado pela pandemia COVID-19 que tem demonstrado o valor e a necessidade do trabalho colaborativo e da abertura de dados e resultados científicos.
Esta sessão visa a promoção do debate, no âmbito das Ciências Sociais e Humanas, sobre as políticas e recomendações vigentes e os desafios propostos para o futuro, nomeadamente aqueles que dão o mote à Semana Internacional do Acesso Aberto deste ano – equidade e inclusão estrutural. O debate será aberto à comunidade, que está convidada a colocar questões aos oradores.
In 2020 the commitment to Open Science was reinforced. Not only by the new EU and FCT Research & Innovation programmes, but also by the global state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that has proven the value and necessity of collaborative work and the opening of research data and scientific results.
This session’s aim is to debate, within the community of the Social Sciences and Humanities, policies and recommendations and challenges for the future, namely those related to the OAW2020 topic – structural equity and inclusion. Participants are encouraged to ask questions.
Inscrição / Registration: https://forms.gle/FJC8pU46ArUojrzh7
Registo prévio de questões / Post a question: https://forms.gle/UbegHxe9Xh6o1sLR8
Mais informações: editions@fcsh.unl.pt
Maria Fernanda Rollo
Historian. PhD and Aggregate in Contemporary History. Full Professor at the History Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – NOVA University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the post-graduation course Management and Policy in Science and Technology. Member of Research Council of European University Institute. Researcher at History, Territories and Communities – CFE. Researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History (1995-2020). Coordinator of the Research Group Economy, Society and Innovation. Coordinator of Centro República (2011-2020). State Secretary for Science, Technology and Higher Education (2015-2018).
Kostas Glinos
Kostas works at the European Commission, where he leads the unit in charge of Open Science in the directorate general for Research & Innovation since 1 June 2019.
From 2014 to 2019 he led the unit responsible for EU international cooperation policy in STI and for relations with European Economic Area countries, Switzerland, Russia, Western Balkans, Turkey, all of Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Kostas has been developing EU policy and managing R&D programmes in the area of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in Brussels since 1992. Policy areas he has dealt with include open science and innovation, collaboration in research, industry-academia interaction, the governance of research commons, public-private partnerships, science diplomacy and international cooperation policy at bilateral and bi-regional level. At various points in time he has been responsible for funding programmes in future and emerging technologies, cyber-physical systems, ICT research infrastructure and big research data. In the academic year 2017-2018 Kostas was a visiting Fellow at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore where he taught regionalism in Europe and in Southeast Asia.
Before joining the Commission Kostas worked in the chemical industry in the USA and Belgium, lectured at the University and carried out research in Greece. He holds a PhD in engineering from the University of Massachusetts and an Advanced Professional Certificate in investment management from Drexel University in the USA.
João Mendes Moreira
João Mendes Moreira has a degree in Computer Science.
Over the past two decades, it has developed, directly or indirectly, activities in the area of advanced infrastructure and services for the research and education community.
He is currently Director of the Scientific Information Area of the National Scientific Computing Unit (FCCN) of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This area’s main mission is to provide the national education and research community with access to recognized and prestigious scientific information sources (b-on initiative), to promote, support and facilitate open access to scientific production (RCAAP initiative) and facilitate the management and access to information on science and technology in Portugal (PTCRIS initiative).
He is/was member of several committees and working groups of which stand out, for the panel in question, the following: National point of reference of the ERAC SWG Open Science & Innovation e national delegate of the EOSC Governing Board amongst others.