Teresa Mendes Flores

Teresa Mendes Flores holds a PhD in Communication Sciences from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Her dissertation Photography in the Production of Space and Other Images. Research on the Imaginary of Top Views in Western Culture (Lisboa: FCSH, 2009) is a contribution to the field of Photography Studies and Visual Culture. She is also active in the fields of Visual Media Studies, Media Aechaeology, Film Studies, Gender and Post Colonial Studies as well as in the field of Semiotics and Pragmatics.

She is currently the Principal Researcher of the project “The Photographic Impulse: Measuring the Colonies and the Colonial Bodies. The Photographic and Filmic Archive of the Portuguese Geographic and Anthropologic Missions”(PTDC/COM-OUT/29608/2017), or Photo Impulse.


Unidade de investigação: Instituto de Comunicação da NOVA (ICNOVA)

  • O Impulso fotográfico  
  • O Impulso Fotográfico  
  • O Impulso Fotográfico  
  • Serra, F. (Ed.). (2021). Fotografia impressa e propaganda em Portugal no Estado Novo.  
  • The Global Imagination  
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