Paula Borges Santos, PhD in History in 2012, by NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA-FCSH). Paula is currently researcher to NOVA-FCSH, and a Principal Researcher in 3 projects, has 13 books (3 as author, 10 as co-coordinator) and 11 book chapters published, as well as 21 articles in specialized journals and 63 entries in dictionaries, has also organized 31 events, supervised the following (2016-2018) 1 visiting postdoc, 2 research fellows, 1 fellow in scientific and technological management, at present, supervising 2 and co-supervised 1 doctoral theses (2 funded by FCT, the Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology), has received 3 prizes and has been a Principal Researcher in 4 projects and Researcher in 9 other projects. Paula’s domain of specialization is Contemporary History, in particular Authoritarian regimes, Emergence of democracy, Political institutions, Corporatism, The state and religion.

Unidade de investigação: Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais (IPRI)

Áreas de investigação: D901 Europe (General)

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2012DoutoramentoFaculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH)Contemporary History
2003MestradoFaculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH)History 19th and 20th Centuries
1998Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH)History
  • A rejeição da Constituição refundacional chilena  
  • A Construção Autoritária do Direito do Trabalho em Portugal  
  • Corporatism and affordable housing in the Portuguese urban environment (1933-1974)  
  • Dom António Ribeiro  
  • Introdução  
TítuloFonte de financiamentoInícioFim
Trabalhadores forçados na Alemanha nazi de origem portuguesa2014-12-312017-12-31