Philosophy of Migration and Asylum
15:00 às 17:00

A chamada “crise dos refugiados” deu um novo impulso ao já acalorado debate sobre migração e asilo. Com esta série de workshops, o Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa convida a reavaliar temas fundamentais como o direito à livre circulação de pessoas vs. o “direito de exclusão” migrantes e requerentes de asilo, os conceitos de integração e inclusão e a situação do Sistema Europeu Comum de Asilo. 

Link para o evento: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83707161237?pwd=UGFvZ2U4ZGNDRVZZejRla2FRWklwZz09

Programa da sessão: Exodus, Diasporas & Exile”

Ashwini Vasanthakumar (Queen’s Law School, Ontario) 

The Political Roles of Exile

Gianfranco Pellegrino (LUISS. Rome) 

Diasporas as Invisible Nations. Migrants’ Self-determination as an Argument for Open Borders

Tannaz Najafi (Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano)

The impossibility of proving Asylum need

Radim Hueber (Charles University in Prague) 

Territorial Asylum as the Future of International Protection

André Santos Campos (NOVA University of Lisbon) 

Climate Change refugees and International Human Rights Practice: A temporal challenge



Próximas sessões


02/07/2021 às 15:00 “A gender perspective on migration & asylum”


Gloria Zuccarelli (University of Milan)

Refugee Women and Injustice: A Normative Framework

Iuliia Lashchuk (University of Warsaw and Academy of Fine arts, Catania) 

What is Home to you? Women in-the-move: between philosophy and art

Eilidh Beaton (University of Pennsylvania)

Towards a Framework for Understanding Refugee Integration

Ali Emre Benli (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnics Diversity) 

Should refugees vote?


09/07/2021 às 15:00 “The state of play of the Common European Asylum System”


Keynote speech II

Sarah Fine (King’s College London)

Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used to Be


Matthias Hoesch (University of Münster)

Non-voluntary relocation in schemes of fair burden sharing

Alec Ross (University of Edinburgh)

The Marketisation of Refuge: A Defence Against the Norms Objection

Elizabeth Challinor (NOVA University of Lisbon & CRIA)

She didn’t even take the slippers. I didn’t take offence. Reactions to refugee secondary movement from Portugal examined from an Anthro-philosophical perspective