Argumentation Community of Europe on the Concept of ‘Argument’
09:00 às 13:00
Colégio Almada Negreiros

O workshop terá lugar no dia 6 de fevereiro, das 9:00 às 13:00, na sala SE1 do Colégio Almada Negreiros. O workshop terá lugar no âmbito das atividades do projeto do IFILNOVA ““.

Do researchers in argumentation theory who study argument(ation) virtues, abstract argument(ation) frameworks, argument(ation) schemes and structures, the speech act of argument(ation), multi-modal argument(ation), interpersonal argument(ation), logical, dialectical, and rhetorical argument(ation), etc., ever study the same thing? If not, then perhaps argumentation theory as a field is based on a simple equivocation, and we shouldn’t be meeting at the same conferences and publish in the same journals?


Whichever the answer is, the many conceptions of argument(ation) are a cause for concern, especially when disciplinary backgrounds or philosophical proclivities foster simple and exclusionary dichotomies (e.g.: philosophy studies arguments as abstract objects and should steer clear of investigating argumentation as a communicative activity). But when the variety of senses is clearly distinguished, then the unity in diversity can be better seen, thus promoting a fruitful interdisciplinary exchange. The workshop aims to make a modest contribution to seeing both the diversity and the unity of the concept of argument(ation) across the disciplines of philosophy, linguistics, communication, computer science, and cognitive science.



Complete programme with abstracts here.




9:00–9:30 Jean Wagemans (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Argument structures, argument schemes, and argument types


9:30–10:00 Jan Albert van Laar (University of Groningen, NL)
A dialogue-theoretical concept of argument


10:00–10:30 Marcin Lewiński (NOVA University Lisbon, PT)
One concept of argument: On argumentative actions and products


10:30–11:00 Coffee break


11:00–11:30 Sara Greco (Università della Svizzera Italiana, CH)
A linguistic approach to the analysis of argumentative talk and discourse


11:30–12:00 Steve Oswald (University of Fribourg, CH)
Are pragmatic inferences argumentative?


12:00–12:30 Anette Hautli-Janisz (University of Passau, DE)
Argumentation & Natural Language Processing


12:30–13:00 Anna de Liddo (Open University, UK)
The Concept of Argument in Public Engagement


With the participation of: Catarina Dutilh Novaes (VU Amsterdam, NL); Álvaro Domínguez Armas (NOVA University Lisbon, PT); Gabrijela Kišiček (University of Zagreb, HR); Marcin Koszowy (Warsaw University of Technology, PL); Dima Mohammed (NOVA University Lisbon, PT); Fabio Paglieri (CNR, Rome, IT); Chris Reed (University of Dundee, UK); and Mariusz Urbański (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, PL).