The School of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon was officially created on November 10, 1977 and opened its doors on January 9, 1978.
It is up to the Management Bodies of NOVA FCSH to coordinate and guide the College in its educational, pedagogical, scientific, and cultural mission, as well as to ensure its administrative and financial planning and management.
NOVA FCSH’s mission is excellence in teaching and research, based on three major commitments: interdisciplinarity, internationalization and knowledge transfer to society.
Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance at NOVA FCSH is governed by the principles that structure the Internal Quality Monitoring and Evaluation System (NOVA SIMAQ) of NOVA University, as set in the Quality Manual under development.
Services and contacts
NOVA FCSH services are organized in three areas: students; teaching and research; resources and management. Get to know them one by one.
Open Calls and scolarships
Find here how you can apply to scolarships and open calls available for teachers, workers and researchers.
Panel of Recognition
Get to know the legislation regarding the types of recognition and check below the full list of juries of recognition for each academic degree.
Management Information and Legislation
- Institutional
- Human Resources
- Students
- Miscellaneous
- Drafting and amendment procedures
- Public Inquiry