The 2022-2023 EDItion will be hosted by the iNSTITUTe of social sciences of the UNIVersity of lisbon.


The PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policy is a joint initiative between the University of Lisbon and NOVA University of Lisbon, which had its 1st edition in 2009-2010. It is an interdisciplinary programme centred on the environmental and social sciences and operates in partnership with the University of East Anglia in the UK, an international reference in these fields. It is supported with the collaboration of professors and researchers with recognised scientific production in the areas of climate change and sustainable development from the three public Universities of Lisbon.

The Doctoral Programme has a duration of 3 years and includes an advanced interdisciplinary training course, held in the 1st and 2nd semesters, involving the physical, natural, social and human sciences. Its target audiences are diverse, covering professionals in the areas of environment, planning and energy, among others, as well as students interested in pursuing an academic career in this field.

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