Gabriela Gândara Terenas

Office: A208

Research areas: Anglo-Portuguese Studies, Translation Studies, Culture Studies, English Culture, North-American Culture

2005DoctorAnglo-Portuguese StudiesNova University of Lisbon
1992MasterAnglo-Portuguese StudiesNova University of Lisbon
1985GraduateModern Languages and Literatures (English/German)Livre University of Lisbon
  • Editorial  
  • Paratextos enquanto mediadores da tradução  
  • Travel Journalism and Anglo-Portuguese Relations during the Second Decade of the 20th Century (1913)  
  • Editorial  
  • Literatura e ciência  
TitleFunding sourceStartState
Assistant Professor on the Masters Degree Seminar in Anglo-Portuguese Cultural Studies
Assistant Professor on the Masters Degree Seminar on Traductology
Member of the Board of the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS)
Member of the Board of the English-Speaking Union of Portugal (ESU)
Coordinator of the British Culture and History Research Project (CETAPS)