You're in: Notícias » International Conference: Planning The Urban Food System Of The Lisbon Metropolitan Area - 10-12th 2013 December / Lisbon | Workshop ANATOLE: Atlantic Network Abilities For Towns To Organize Local Economy » International Conference: Planning The Urban Food System Of The Lisbon Metropolitan Area - 10-12th 2013 December / Lisbon | Workshop ANATOLE: Atlantic Network Abilities For Towns To Organize Local Economy

International Conference: Planning The Urban Food System Of The Lisbon Metropolitan Area - 10-12th 2013 December / Lisbon | Workshop ANATOLE: Atlantic Network Abilities For Towns To Organize Local Economy

Organizado pelo e-GEO no âmbito do Projecto ANATOLE, a Conferência Internacional: Planning The Urban Food System Of The Lisbon Metropolitan Area irá ter lugar no Anfiteatro 1 Torre B - 10 de Dezembro, entre as 9h e as 17h30
O Workshop Anatole: Atlantic Network Abilities for Towns to Organize Local Economy terá lugar dias 11 e 12 de Dezembro, na sala 2 Multiusos do Edifício ID.
A actual crise global e o reconhecimento de que, nas próximas décadas, a população mundial será predominantemente urbana, geram novas necessidades e a procura de novas abordagens ao planeamento do sistema alimentar.
Para o fazer, torna-se imperativa a identificação de linhas de orientação para o planeamento estratégico e para a gestão do uso do solo, capazes de promover a relocalização do Sistema Alimentar da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa (AML) de forma sustentável.
The current global crisis and the acknowledgement that, in coming decades, the world population will be predominantly urban, brings about new necessities and demands for innovative approaches to food systems’ planning.
In order to do so, it is imperative to identify land-use management and strategic planning guidelines able to promote the re-localization of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA’s) food system in a sustainable way.
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa | FCSH/NOVA
e-GEO – Research Centre for Geography and Regional Planning
Para mais informações: Rosário Oliveira FCSH/NOVA, tlf 217908300
ext 1221; tlm 912810707
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